Immigration Bail
You can apply for immigration bail if the Home Office is holding you on immigration matters. This means you might be released from detention but you’ll have to obey at least one condition. Hurlingham Law can submit grounds for bail
Who can apply
You can apply whether you’re held in an immigration removal centre, a detention centre or a prison. You must be held on immigration matters in order to apply for immigration bail however
When you’re more likely to get bail
You’re more likely to get bail if you have a place to stay.
Your application is also more likely to succeed if you have at least one ‘Financial Condition Supporter’. This is a person who:
- will pay money if you don’t follow the conditions of your bail
- can attend your bail hearing
Give information about where you’ll stay and your Financial Condition Supporters in the application form.
When you might not get released on bail
You may find it harder to get bail if you:
- have broken bail conditions in the past
- have a criminal record, and there’s a risk you might reoffend
If you were refused bail in the last 28 days, you won’t get another hearing unless your situation has changed significantly. Explain what you think has changed in your application.
If you are refused bail, you’ll get a written statement telling you why.
If you’re due to be removed from the country
You might not be released even if you’re granted bail. If your removal date is in the 14 days after you get bail, the Home Office will have to agree to your release.